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28. Della Penna A., Koubbi P., Cotté C., Bon C., Bost CA. & d’Ovidio F. (in press) Lagrangian analysis of multi-satellite data in support of open ocean MPA design. Deep Sea Research II

27. Brischoux F, Cotté C., Lillywhite H.B., Bailleul F., Lalire M., Gaspar P. (2016) Oceanic circulation models help to predict global biogeography of pelagic yellow-bellied sea snake. Biology Letters. 12: 20160436.

26. Meilland J., Fabri-Ruiz S., Koubbi P., Lo Monaco C., Cotté C., Hosie G. W., Terrien S. & Howa H. (2016) Planktonic foraminiferal biogeography in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: contribution from CPR data. Deep Sea Research I. 110: 75-89.


25. Behagle N., Cotté C., Ryan T. E., Gauthier O., Roudaut G., Brehmer P., Josse E. & Cherel Y. (2016) Acoustic micronektonic distribution is structured by macroscale oceanographic processes across 20–50°S latitudes in the South-Western Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research I. 110: 20-32.


24. Mendez L., Cotté C., Prudor A. & Weimerskirch H. (2016) Variability in foraging behaviour of red-footed boobies nesting on Europa Island. Acta Oecologica. 72: 87-97.


23. Bost C.A., Cotté C., Terray P., Barbraud C., Delord K., Charrassin J.B., Guinet C. & Weimerskirch H. Bost, C. (2015) Large-scale climatic anomalies affect marine predator foraging behaviour and demography. Nature Communications. 6:8220.

Nature highlight in New and Views (2016): Foraging further, Nature. 526: 646.


22. d'Ovidio F., Della Penna A., Trull T. W., Nencioli F., Pujol I., Rio M. H., Park Y.-H., Cotté C., Zhou M. & Blain S. (2015) The biogeochemical structuring role of horizontal stirring: Lagrangian perspectives on iron delivery downstream of the Kerguelen plateau. Biogeosciences Discussions. 12: 779-814.


21. Cotté C., d’Ovidio F., Dragon A.C., Guinet C., Lévy M. (2015) Flexible preference of southern elephant seals for distinct mesoscale features within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Progress in Oceanography. 131: 46-58. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.11.011


20. Park, Y.-H., Durand I., Kestenare E., Rougier G., Zhou M., d'Ovidio F., Cotté C. & Lee J.-H. (2014) Polar Front around the Kerguelen Islands: An up-to-date determination and associated circulation of surface/subsurface waters. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans: 119. doi: 10.1002/2014JC010061


19. D'Ovidio F., De Monte S., Della Penna A., Cotté C. & Guinet C. (2013) Ecological implications of oceanic eddy retention in the open ocean: a Lagrangian approach. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46: 254023


18. Nordstrom C.A., Bataille B.C., Cotté C. & Trites A.W. (2013) Foraging habitats of lactating northern fur seals are structured by thermocline depths and submesoscale fronts in the eastern Bering Sea. Deep Sea Research II. 88: 78-96.


17. De Monte S., Cotté C., d'Ovidio F., Lévy M., Le Corre M. & Weimerskirch H. (2012) Frigatebirds behavior at the (sub-)mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interface. Journal of Royal Society Interface. 9: 3351-8


16. Guinet C., Xing X., Walker E., Monestiez P., Marchand S., Picard B., Jaud T., Authier M., Cotté C., Dragon, A.C., Diamond E., Antoine D., Lovell P., Blain S., D'Ortenzio F. & Claustre H. (2012) Calibration procedures and first data set of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seal equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 5: 15- 89.


15. Bost C.A., Delord K., Barbraud C., Cotté C., Peron C. & Weimerskirch H. (2012) The King Penguin: Life History, current status and priority conservation action. In Penguin Book. (Eds. dee Boersma P. & Borboroglu P.G.), University of Washington Press, Washington.


14. Cotté C. & Guinet C. (2012) The importance of seasonal ice zone and krill densities in the historical abundance of humpback whales in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. Special issue 3: 101-106.


13. Dragon A.C., Marchand S. Authier M., Cotté C., Blain S. & Guinet C. (2011) Insights into the spatio-temporal distribution of productivity in the Indian Southern Ocean provided by satellital observations. Cybium. The Kerguelen Plateau, Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries, 57-67.


12. Cotté C., Delord K., Péron P., Bost C.A., Duhamel G., Pruvost P., Gasco N., Martin A. & Weimerskirch H. (2011) Interactions between seabirds and fisheries in the French EEZs: Implications for conservation and management. Cybium. The Kerguelen Plateau, Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries, 291-292.


11. Cotté C., d’Ovidio F., Chaigneau A., Lévy M., Taupier-Letage I., Mate B. & Guinet C. (2011) Scale-dependent interactions of Mediterranean whales with marine dynamics. Limnology & Oceanography. 56: 219-232.


10. Bailleul F., CottéC. & Guinet C. (2010) Mesoscale eddies as foraging area of a deep-diving predator, the southern elephant seal. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 408: 251-264.


9. Cotté C., Guinet C., Taupier-Letage I. & Petiau E. (2010) Habitat use and abundance of striped dolphin in the Western Mediterranean Sea prior to the morbilivirus epizootic resurgence. Endangered Species Research. 12: 203-214.


8. Delord K., Cotté C., Péron C., Marteau C., Pruvost P., Gasco N., Duhamel G., Cherel Y. & Weimerskirch H. (2010) At-sea distribution and diet of an endangered top predator: links of white-chinned petrels with commercial longline fisheries. Endangered Species Research. 13: 1-16.


7. Bost C.A., Cotté C., Bailleul F., Cherel Y., Charrassin J.B., Guinet C., Ainley D.G. & Weimerskirch H. (2009) The importance of oceanographic fronts to marine birds and mammals of the southern oceans. Journal of Marine Systems. 78: 363-376.


6. Cotté C., Guinet C., Taupier-Letage I., Mate B. & Petiau E. (2009) Scale-dependent habitat use of a large free-ranging predator, the Mediterranean fin whale. Deep Sea Research I. 56: 801-811.


5. Barbraud C. & Cotté C. (2008) Paradigms need hypothesis testing: no evidence for top-down forcing on Adélie and emperor penguin populations. Antarctic Science. 20: 391-392.


4. Cotté C. & Guinet C. (2007) Historical whaling records reveal major regional retreat of Antarctic sea ice. Deep Sea Research I. 54: 243-252.


3. Cotté C., Park Y.H., Guinet C. & Bost C.A. (2007) Movements of foraging king penguins through marine mesoscale eddies. Proceedings of Royal Society Biology. 274: 2385-2391.


2. Cotté C. & Simard Y. (2005) The formation of rich krill patches under tidal forcing at whale feeding ground hot spots in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 288: 199- 210.


1. Simard Y., Roy N. & Cotté C. (2004) Contribution of active and passive acoustics to study oceanographic processes feeding whales in a critical habitat of the St. Lawrence Estuary. Journal of Acoustic Society of America. 115: 2559.


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